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Buda SRL in Caltagirone (CT) offers the finest in bathroom fixtures, furnishings as well as heating/cooling systems

22 settembre 2006

Decorating one's home is, in a sense, like decorating one's life. Furnishing our own home with all the necessary comforts means making our life more pleasant, putting in a bit of ourselves and the way we view the world in the space we call home. Your home is the place where you can most  likely find peace and relaxation and without doubt the room where we can feel the most relaxed and regenerated is in the bathroom.  This is why taking the utmost care with your bathroom's furnishing is so important as to ensure the perfect atmosphere for your  mental and physical well-being. Buda Salvatore Srl, located in Caltagirone (CT), have been helping their customers select the right bathroom fixtures and furnishing to suit their needs for  more than thirty years.

Founded  in 1969, Buda Salvatore Srl have always been considered one of the finest companies selling and offering technical assistance in central heating/cooling systems, quickly becoming experts in their sector. Twenty years later, in the early 1990's, the company decided to also carry bathroom  fixtures and thanks to the technical and commercial experience gained it is now a leader in the Calatino-South Simeto district.
Buda Salvatore Srl is committed to satisfying a vast number of customers - both in the private and public sectors - such as Poste Italiane (Italian Post Office), Ferrovie dello Stato (Italian Rail), hospitals and banks-offering them their experience, loyalty and care. Furthermore, in order to guarantee reliability and satisfaction, Buda Salavatore Srl has been certified and operates according to UNI EN ISO 9002/29 standards.

In addition, Buda Salvatore Srl was the only Sicilian company which proudly participated in ''L'Italia a Belgrado'', an event organized by the Istituto Nazionale per il Commerio con l'Estero (Italian Chamber of Commerce) held in 2005.
The company has also been chosen by Gruppo Palazzetti (the European leader producing fireplaces and wood-burning heaters) to have their publicity stand on the Buda Salvatore Srl premises in November 2006.

To sum up, not only does Buda Salvatore Srl offer a vast selection of bathroom fixtures and funishings from the most sophisticated ceramic tiles to the most efficient and trustworthy fixtures but it also carries a variety of faucets to suit all tastes, from classic to modern styles. In addition, the company gives their clients a wide choice of heating/cooling systems (pellet burners, wood-open fireplace, boilers, solar heating systems, etc,) which are  innovative and environment-friendly, enabling them to keep their homes comfortable year-round. The aim of Buda Salvatore Srl is to become a reference point for their customers in Sicily always taking into consideration the environment and the customer's well-being through their products and services.
''Buda is always there for you and your home.''

Please write or phone BUDA SRL for further information regardingm its products.
Buda Salvatore SRL
Via Bouganvillea, 21/29 - Caltagirone (CT), Italy

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22 settembre 2006
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